Thursday, April 16, 1998


Dan's day.

well let's just say my day started yesterday
You can add 'sobbing.' 'coughing' 'stressing' and and melodrama in
any and all times.
9:00am Media 2 class
11:00 am Scriptwriting
1p-6p shooting downtown for Two Chez
7:30pm enter edit suite
Edit Two Chez
Edit 'city streets'
Edit Fall of the House of Usher
Hey. it' s morning. Damn. It' s light out
8:20 some semblence of breakfast.
9a-12:30p SLEEP
1p Film/Video Art class, show final (city streets)
go to meeting with dean of students
dean wasn't there
4:20 eat at dining commons
5:15 catch bus downtown
7:00 media 2 lab downtown at TV station, take final exam
8:00pm Now I'm at marks and I am stuck here until Pedro or someone
to get me.
Here endeth Dan's "day" so far. Gotta love end of semester crunches.

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