Monday, March 31, 2003


I got old

OK. I am officially a grown up. I am missing hash bash to be at work as we are moving the next few weekends.

Friday, March 28, 2003


A Familiar Passion

Seize Oil or Zieg Heil?

Thursday, March 27, 2003


Don't Step...

I now own Blue Suede Shoes


War Crimes by U.S. and Them.

The bombing of a television station simply because it is being used for the purposes of propaganda is unacceptable

Tuesday, March 25, 2003


2003 Summer Phish Tour

My plan for July Phish tour.

Leave for Chicago after Work on Thursday
Fri July 18 Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI
Sat July 19 Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI
Mon July 21 Verizon Wireless Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Tue July 22 Verizon Wireless Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Wed July 23 Verizon Wireless Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Fri July 25 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte, NC
Sat July 26 HiFi Buys Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA
Sun July 27 ALLTEL Pavilion at Walnut Creek, Raleigh, NC
Probably come back to work here...
Tue July 29 Post Gazette Pavilion, Burgettstown, PA
Wed July 30 Tweeter Center at the Waterfront, Camden, NJ
Thurs July 31 Tweeter Center at the Waterfront, Camden, NJ
Fly to Maine Friday night for the weekend...
"It" Festival
Sat August 2 Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, ME
Sun August 3 Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, ME late to work on Monday due to jet lag / drug overdose.


I should have moved to San Francisco with Justin Miller

Nick Shapiro and Adam Faber, I applaud you gentlemen. Thank you for giving a shit.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003


tear gas

Now they're tear gassing Americans where Rachel Corrie died.

thanks for allowing me to not feel like a complete polyanna when I tentatively tell people here that many people in the United States do not support the policies of our government, and that we are learning from global examples how to resist.


"reply" from Senator Stabenow

March 18, 2003

Mr. Daniel Boujoulian
[address taken out]

Thank you . . . <--- I think she was supposed to write my name in here.

. . . for contacting me regarding the situation in Iraq. I share your
concerns over possible military action and fully support finding a
peaceful solution to the current conflict.

Last year, I voted against authorizing the President to use military
force. The question before the Senate was not whether we supported or
trusted the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, but how the United
States will counter the threat of Saddam Hussein to our citizens and the
citizens of the rest of the world while maintaining our focus on critical
efforts to fight global terrorism. To achieve the goal of disarming
Saddam Hussein, I believe that we should exhaust all peaceful options
before resorting to the use of military force. While I opposed the
President's proposal, I wholeheartedly support our troops who are fighting
the war on terrorism overseas and those who may serve in a war on Iraq.
We must provide them with the best technology and logistical support
possible while they defend our country.

Currently, the United Nations inspectors are searching sites across Iraq
for evidence of any violations of the Iraqi agreement not to pursue
weapons of mass destruction. A substantial violation or discovery of
undisclosed weapons caches could mean military intervention, which was
authorized in the Congressional resolution last year. I will continue to
monitor this situation closely as it develops and will push to ensure that
all possible avenues of peaceful disarmament are employed before any
further action is taken.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate
to do so again if I may be of assistance in the future.

Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator

Saturday, March 15, 2003


New Poll

Danthology VHS or DVD


I Just May Work Too Much

I just dialed 9 to dial out from the phone at my house.

Friday, March 14, 2003


Academy Awards

Mark your calender, Sunday, March 23, 2003 you will see a graphic I worked on during the Academy Awards, look for Cadillac Break Through when they are talking about sponsers and the billboards come up over the video. Lori made it on the Inferno and then I modified it to work with network broadcast graphics computers.

Don't blink, you'll miss it. Not that exciting but cool nonetheless!


Sweet Lorraine done it again

Ya know, The vegetarian meatloaf over at sweet lorraines is the best. I swear every time its on the menu at work I get it and everytime I love lunch and I have a great day because of it all. I am so happy and loving life with broccoli, potatoes and something that looks like meatloaf, but is really soy covered in sundried tomato sauce YUM

Thursday, March 13, 2003



OK. I was having a bad week, but I bought 2 CDs, and watched some movies and now I think I am doin pretty good.

Steve Martin (Novocaine)
Peter Sellers (Being There)
John Lennon (Mind Games)
and Groove Armada (Vertigo)

do wonders for your soul.

Monday, March 10, 2003


GTA Chant

Before leaving the house, recite.

I will not crash into pedestrians. I will not beat up hookers for my money back. I will not steal an ambulance. I will not use a chain saw on cops and their cars.

It's a good thing that real life doesn't have a cheat code that makes tanks and gun toting women in bikini's appear.

Thursday, March 06, 2003


$22,000 in debt and dropping

sweet. i just went to pay my discover card online and i thought i owed $900 so i was like 'pay it all off' and it was like 'hey you already paid this month, we can only take $300 from u right now.. i feel like i am allowed to go blow $600 but then again maybe i should give it to my mom since i owe her a ton

Monday, March 03, 2003


Reply from Senator Carl Levin

Dear Dan:

Thank you for contacting me about possible military action against Iraq.

As you may know, on October 11, 2002, I voted against Senate Joint Resolution 46 (P.L.107-243) authorizing the use of U.S. armed forces against Iraq. This resolution was signed into law by the President on October 16, 2002. I opposed the President's resolution because it authorized the unilateral use of U.S. armed forces without specific authorization by Congress, while the alternative I offered called for Congress to remain in session in case it was necessary to consider a proposal from the President to act unilaterally (i.e., without U.N. Security Council authority) if the Security Council failed to act.

My alternative resolution, which was defeated, urged the U.N. Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding unconditional access for U.N. inspectors to any site in Iraq and authorized the use of necessary force by U.N. member states to enforce the resolution if Iraq refused to comply. My resolution also authorized the use of the U.S. armed forces against Iraq pursuant to such a U.N. Security Council resolution.

I offered the alternative resolution because I believe it is extremely important that any use of military force against Iraq is carried out on a multilateral basis, with the authority of the United Nations. I would not, of course, give the United Nations a veto over the use of our military forces, but I would have required a second vote in Congress before the U.S. proceeded unilaterally if the U.N. did not authorize member states to use force.

There is no question that Saddam Hussein's Iraq poses a threat to his neighbors, the region, the United States and the international community in general. The only question is how to deal with this threat most effectively. I believe the President's approach and the resolution supporting it sent a mixed message to the U.N. I thought all of our efforts should be focused on uniting the world community, not threatening to divide it if the U.N. did not agree with us.

I was pleased that the President decided to take the case for military action against Iraq to the United Nations, and that the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution to send weapons inspectors to Iraq. The U.N. resolution demands that the international team of weapons inspectors be given unfettered access to any suspect site in Iraq to bring about the elimination of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

Absent any dramatic development, such as the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or the ending of Iraqi cooperation with the weapons inspectors, the weapons inspections should be allowed to run their course. I also believe that the U.S. intelligence community should enhance its cooperation with the U.N. inspectors by providing specific and targeted intelligence relating to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. Before the members of the U.N. Security Council and the international community in general are asked to support the use of military force against Iraq, they should be presented with clear evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction or is impeding the U.N. arms inspections.

I continue to be concerned about the potential negative consequences of taking unilateral action, i.e. without the broad backing of the international community through the U.N. Among such potential consequences would be the loss of the use of bases in the region with the attendant increase in the risk of casualties to our service men and women; the reduced contribution of nations in a post-conflict environment; and, in the longer term, an increased terrorist response against the U.S.; and reduced international cooperation in the war against al Qaeda.

Again, I appreciate your contacting me with your views.

Best wishes.


Carl Levin


iTunes kicks ass

New cool things about iTunes..
Well the smart playlists are always great, Apple brought those out in June or so.

I have playlists that update themselves based on criteria I set.

I just made 2 new playlists:
2 minute songs
5 minute songs

Any song within 2 seconds of the length will automatically put itself in the playlist. So if I'm in the mood for a bunch of different songs boom.. just go to the 2 minute song list. I couuld make a 15 min+ song for jams that go long. That would be cool.

Existing smart playlists:
1950s & earlier
(Those are the basic ones most people have setup.)

I get whacky with mine

All WAVs
Blank Artist Data (so I can fix un-tagged MP3s quickly)
Low Bitrate (so I can copy stuff to my mp3 player without using huge files)
Never Heard! (so I know what need to be heard the most!)
New This Week (things I've added in the last 7 days)
New Today
Recently Played (the last 100 songs i've listened to)
Songs that start with L
Songs that start with P (I change these up to different letters just for fun)
Top 25 most played
Top 100 most played
Top Rated (you can rate songs 1-5 stars)
Track 7 Theory (to test Mark Samp's theory that track 7 is normally the best song on an album)

Sunday, March 02, 2003


it's just a mere flesh wound

i just got a sweet deal at mediaplay. i almost bought a 12" monty python black knight doll online about a month ago for $40. I got Tim the Enchanter already. The Round Table of Knights is like $300 so I WON'T be getting that!

well mediaplay had it for $29 so i got it and when i checked out it was only $14

OK. He does look kinda bare without King Arthur... maybe i will get the Knights of the Round Table.

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