Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Sushi Cometh / Depeche Mode

Today is starting to turn out like a pretty good day.

1) I am getting free Sushi for lunch. That always puts a smile on my face.

2) A very old and dear friend called me up out of the blue to ask if I would take an extra ticket to Depeche Mode tonight. Not a big fan of the band but I miss this girl so much I had to say yes.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Ode To Moto

Wherefore art thou Motorola?
Mobile gone wayward to asunder!
You were in mine hands yesterday
and thou hath escaped my sight today.
I yearn for thine camera photos.
I yearn for thine missed call list.
Come back to me Moto.
Come back.

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