Sunday, September 29, 2002

I love Michigan.

I love hanging out at Eric and Cindy's. I love the 5 acres of land out here. I love Pizzeria Uno in Birch Run. I runing around the house wirelessly connected to the internet. I love watching silly movies of my friends and listening to music created around Detroit (and the rest of the world too I guess) I love the sound of Alison Lewis' voice.

Now I have to go read Eric's paper on Italian History and here goes nothing I guess. He things two good writers can pass a graduate study course. But wait I'm not in school this is no fair.

Saturday, September 28, 2002

It just isn't a party these days unless I'm passing out and smashing things on the way down.

You don't have to go to Hollywood for this kind of rock star partying, just north a little bit to Flint, MI.

Friday, September 27, 2002

Listening to Warren Zevon... you've just gotta listen to the words of a dying man... more people should live out loud like him.

I am still drunk from last night.

My work threw a party for a producer from Doner who is moving out to California. I paid about $12 for alcohol and I must have drank at least $70 worth. The vice president had a tab and I didn't have to worry about a thing.

Our new facility is in an office building with a Coney Island on the ground floor. This is the greatest thing in the world. I just got the best plate of eggs, hash browns and toast i've ever eaten.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Today I did a voiceover for a Neon commercial. It's just a scratch track for us to edit by for timing purposes but it's still funny to hear.

It's called Goods

Wednesday, September 25, 2002



Ones and Zeroes is coming.

It's definately black and white. It's definately film noir.

The only other sure thing is that the important misfits of Two Chez will be present in it's prequel.

I got to use the Smoke today. The editor that runs the machine is out of town and they needed something digitized before he gets back. So up steps Dan... ready to run a computer he's touched only twice before. Everything worked great, except when I turned the BetaSP deck and the circuit breaker blew out the Smoke room as well as the Flame room next to it. (NOT MY FAULT)

We're still working out the bugs in our temporary location. We're not allowed to use any unnecessary electricity or internet bandwidth.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

What a great night. Live music in Detroit.. right downtown (a block from Greektown) People I love to be with. Music I had never heard before.. fell in love with instantly.. recorde the whole thing on my DAT.... can't wait to x-fer it.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

CONTACT: Angel Venable / Mida Giragosian at 248-752-1267 E-mail:


Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly applauded Michigan Governor John Engler (R) today as he signed an act designating April 24 as a permanent "Michigan Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923." The act also states that the period beginning on the Sunday before April 24 through the following Sunday will be days of remembrance in the state in memory of the victims of the Genocide and in honor of the survivors.

The bill reads as follows: "The legislature declares that April 24 of each year shall be the Michigan day of remembrance of the Armenian genocide of 1915-1923, and that the period beginning on the Sunday before that day through the following Sunday shall be the days of remembrance in this state,
in memory of the victims of the genocide, and in honor of the survivors."

"As a former state lawmaker, I am proud of my home state of Michigan and my colleagues for formally and permanently recognizing the Armenian Genocide," Armenian Assembly Executive Director John Jamian said. "We hope other states and eventually the U.S. Congress will take the appropriate steps to
recognize April 24 as an official and permanent day of remembrance across the country."

He added, "We thank Governor Engler and Lieutenant Governor Dick Posthumus for their support in this effort. A special thanks to Assembly Board of Directors member Edgar Hagopian for his tireless work in ensuring that the Armenian-American voice on this matter was heard."

Jamian noted that Lt. Governor Posthumus recently told Assembly supporters at an award ceremony for U.S. Congressman Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) that he appreciated the support and commitment of the Michigan Armenian-American community. He said he would do everything possible to see that this bill was
signed into law.

Jamian and Hagopian, together with community activist Edward Haroutunian, Esq., proposed the bill to their local representatives, Michigan State Senators Thaddeus G. McCotter (R-9) and George Z. Hart (D-9) and State Representative Marc Shulman (R-39). They introduced and sponsored the bill in 2001.

The bill passed through the Michigan Senate in 2001 and was then approved by the Michigan House of Representatives earlier this year. Michigan, like California, permanently recognizes the Armenian Genocide on April 24 each year. California passed similar legislation in 1981. Some 27 states in the
U.S. have issued proclamations or passed resolutions marking the day.

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

Monday, September 16, 2002

i just got a DVDAudio disc.. 6 channel mix!!! glen from toad the wet sprocket solo album 'abulum'

now all i need is a decent audio setup at home.. I have a vintage 1975 system right now..

Friday, September 13, 2002

the senior editors are making fun of my sideburns while we prepare for the company's move this weekend. I think he's just jealous. Helped my boss with kind relief.

It's Friday. I'm working an edit session right now.

Typing exciting things like "Length of contract limited. See dealer for details. Take delivery by 10/31/02"

They brought me a mudslide and I am now buzzing.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Well it didn't happen. Her car caught on fire so she had to deal with that. As for myself, I ended up going to the hospital to see my sister, she's got a gallstone or something. Then I hung out with Dennis and Mike. I haven't seen Dennis in months so it was a good night. Plus I finished the revisions on The Next Breath and I can hopefully start shooting within the month. Owww. My first feature length... exciting.

One thing that does suck is that we have to move the tape library at work from the basement to the third floor. That's over 7000 videotapes... plus we might be moving out of this building so all those tapes will have to be moved a second time in a few weeks. JOY!

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Owwww. We're going out tomorrow night.

I SAID I wasn't going to date anyone until the film is done but sometimes people just fall in your lap and you gotta go for it.

I originally couldn't get the guts to even say hi to her, but then she all bumped right into me and I had to say something at that point so I sat down with her.

RAR. I'm excited. I don't know why. I barely even know her. If nothing else happens, she's at least inspired me in scriptwriting (actually more DELETING this week.. I took 30 pages out and re-worked some other things new and old.) The little butterfly flutter in my stomach does wonders for my creative juices.

Monday, September 09, 2002



I just cut 18 pages that two years ago I deemed "totally necessary" to the survival of the storyline.

They were all "you can't call her, you need to wait the Swinger's 3 days"

but then SHE called me and I went to the bar to meet her on Saturday night.

Said we'd spend Sunday together but she never returned my call. Now I wait like a dork knowing that I can't call her today or she'll think I'm all desparate. I think I will delete her # from my phone so I can't possibly call her first.

Saturday, September 07, 2002

Sometimes the most amazing people spring up in strange places. I didn't even want to go out tonight but Mark called and we went to see Cool Dry Place's last show.

I hope the incredible vibe I felt with someone continues in a sober state of mind. It's always a drag when you think you're on a level with someone but need to re-create chemical states of being to relive that initial moment.

I did not have a good week, but tonight felt right and everything else falls right into place once the here and now is in a positive feeling.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Bahston is amazing! That city never ceases to amaze me.

I left to see Rosanna before she gets deported. Spending my nights with Cirque Du Soleil. [pics]

Found my Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, she is the coolest chick ever. She inspires me to write on levels that are otherwise unobtainable.

I scraped a BMW.. no.. a Beamah with my Focus.. later on some guy cut me off and drove left of center to block me coming the other way and I knew I would fit (after the BMW incident I knew EXACTLY how wide my car was and wasn't LOL) but he yelled at me when he saw the "Detroit Filmmakers shoot you at 24 fps" sticker on my window.

I can't even put it all in words right now. Maybe when the photos come back I can blog something further.

Since it's only like $44 to fly to NYC i think I'm coming back soon and will catch a train from there back to Beantown. I wanna see the Bosstones.. when do they play?!?!?

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