Monday, February 06, 2006


Detroit Superbowl XL Weekend

I don't even know what to say about this weekend.

Detroit was showing its fine self off to the tourists, but it was the locals that benefited the most.

I missed the supercool Zombie invasion on Friday night as I was still at work. I went home, grabbed my DAT recorder and my new microphones I bought last week, and took off for a house party in Ferndale.

I meant to leave Ferndale by 11 and hit up the Spin Magazine party taking place at Atwater Block Brewery. I had a blast with my friends so I didn't get to Atwater until 12:30am.

The Spin Magazine party was a bust, but I know the band playing, THE STRANGE so even though no people showed up, it was still fun hearing them play and getting a chance to hang out with them. I really only know one of them, the others are still new to me but they are all very cool cats and the band has an interesting sound, a true Detroit gem. [Hear some MP3s I recorded]

Saturday I slept until my friend Woody from Flint showed up in the afternoon, then he got me caught up on what's happening in his life and boy was he glad to have a night to cut loose on the town. He needs it with all the shit about to go down in his world.

We went to midtown and ate at Union Street. We got dropped off so we had no car to worry about and no designated driver. At about 9 we met up with James and Brett at the Majestic Cafe.

They know everyone at Majestic so we got scores of cheap drinks and got invited to the Maxim Afterparty at Majestic/Magic Stick.

We took the Majestic shuttle downtown and low and behold they know the driver of the bus. Booze and drugs floated around that bus as if Rick James had been the driver.

We hopped on the People Mover at Times Square and got off at Millender Center to walk to The Zoo Bar.

The Hustler Party wasn't even really a party, it was a strip club. The drinks were so expensive we couldn't even hang LOL.

James took a wristband from the bus driver for absolutely no reason and it ended up being the color you needed to get on to the special 3rd floor VIP area with Larry Flynt and company. I was so jealous!!! I wish I had taken that stupid bus bracelet.

We left there at about 1 and walked back to Millender Center. Since James knew the bus driver he called the guys personal cellphone and when we got off the Times Square stop there was a bus load of people waiting for us to get on the bus and go back to the Majestic. It was sweet!!! It's good to know people who know people.

We closed out Majestic and didn't even get kicked out when they went down to Employees Only. The Maxim after-party was a bust so we went down to Bankell or whatever it's called until about 5am.

Brett and James dropped us off at my work, we peed and then my ride showed up and took us back to Farmington.

I slept until last afternoon and spent Super Bowl Sunday in Lansing with old friends. I got home about midnight, crashed and went into work ALMOST on time but not quite. Now I'm gonna see what I can expense because I have a feeling since I partied with clients my work will pay for all our drinks... and you can't really complain about that.. I think I only spent about $40 of my own money this weekend!!

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