Wednesday, July 12, 2006


RIP Syd Barrett

The saddest part of Syd's death is that for most people I encoutered today...

the day they found out Syd Barrett died was the day they found out who Syd Barrett was.

Well I guess it's what he really wanted.

I can't beleive he never cashed those fucking checks.

I mean I have fucked up big before but to punish myself by never taking the royalty money??

If you came to anyone I've ever met in my life with Millions of pounds in personal checks they would have cashed that shit so fast the clerk would have a paper cut.

"I fucked up. I don't deserve it."

What a fucking man.

Maybe he was a whole lot more sane then we could ever understand.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Handcuffed On The 4th of July

The Charge: Bootlegging

My Morning Jacket allows audience tapers to record and distribute their music, so long as you don't SELL it or take audio from the soundboard.

HOWEVER... the City of Chicago does NOT ALLOW music from its public festivals to be recorded for any reason without prior written consent from the City.

They will just take your gear, cuff you and take you backstage.

Mike Doughty was standing right there watching me argue with them that I had permission from MMJ as they ALWAYS allow it as long as its not soundboard.. so the bands manager had to give them the OK to let me go and I am a free man.

Happy Independence Day everyone! I sure won't forget this one.

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