Friday, September 14, 2001


Emergency - 9/11

It had been almost 2 days since the cowardly attack within our borders. A fog of disbelief about it was my initial response. I was at Kinko's updating some software for the scanner/copier I run. This older customer was really mad at me for not letting her behind the counter to where my co-workers were surrounding a small television.
The Xerox scanner runs under NT and the copier is UNIX based, they're part of the LAN so I'm always connected to the internet via a T1 line.,, etc. etc. were all bogged out of bandwidth so I had to seek other means to find out what was going on.
I stumbled upon the website for the New York Police Department, and started
listening to live RealAudio of Manhattan police radio broadcasts to each other. Evesdropping on the men and women of New York's Finest was unlike anything I've ever experienced. We have truly become residents within Marshall McCluhan's "global village." With technology, we exchange information so quickly with each other to unite or simply share our data, thoughts, voices or images, and it doesn't stop there. I felt like I was in the squad car.
I'm sure the attack was a backlash from criminal masterminds jealous of our way of life. Watching us on television wearing Nikes and wishing for something better than a pair of Chuck Taylor Converse All-Stars. Filling up with a spite and dislike for our people, government & human life.
As much as I loathe the brainiac we've got in the oval office, he made some pretty powerful statements and observations in his address to the nation Tuesday night. Our people may be in shock about the events, but its going to take a lot more than that to take us down. In the sky our people overcame the odds, saving lives at the third target. Those heroes of ours in the sky that day and the heroes searching through the rubble of the twin towers could not be more honorable humans.
My anticipation for the unravelling of the mystery cowards behind it all grows more and more. How are you doin? I'm off to Grand Rapids this weekend to finish shooting my boy Jason's mobster/zombie movie. Hope you're okay...

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