Saturday, July 30, 2005


For the Phish Phamily only...

Phish-Heads.... does anyone remember a Run Like An Antelope with a Meatstick inside of it??

I swear it was Las Vegas 2004, but now that I'm listening to that show theres a Tweezer Reprise with them laughing and singing 'step into the meatstick' since they played meatstick earlier that night, but I specifically remember cracking up one night at an Meatstick>Antelope and instead of the antelope riff they played the meatstick riff and everyone started dancing... I thought it was Vegas (2002 or 2004) Cinncinnati (2002) or even Chicago (2002)

anyways today I was listening to Red Rocks 6/11/94 and the Run Like an Antelope that night has a riff that almost sounds like what would later become Meatstick, and the people even clap after the riff like in the meatstick dance... now meatstick didn't exist until 1999 right?? That was my understanding anyways...

anyone know what I'm talking about????

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Farewell CDs

Well I am officially done with my Compact Discs in my regular life, or as I like to refer to them "Uncompressed Audio Sources"

These storage bins contain all my CDs from A-Z. 330 Liters worth .. haahaha.

They are going away... into long term storage. If I need to re-rip a disc I will have to drive to my storage facility to grab a disc.

I have 91 Gigabytes of music on my external drive now. There's no reason to have these discs cluttered around.

Theres no reason to take CDs into my car... CDs get stolen.. if I want music in my car I will use my iPod or burn a specific CD.. that way if my stuff gets ripped off I won't care because all my music is safely on my hard drive and also in my locked storage area.

To the future!! (oddly enough I still love vinyl and will never put those away.)

Monday, July 04, 2005




From Spirit
Mars search string report
user entered search strings for the first 4 days of July 2005
Top 20 of 139 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 6 3.35% love
2 5 2.79% christopher walken cowbell
3 4 2.23% more cowbell mov
4 3 1.68% cowbell christopher walken
5 3 1.68% insect
6 3 1.68% more cowbell walken mp3
7 2 1.12% chris wirth
8 2 1.12% christopher walken snl cowbell
9 2 1.12% cowbell coventry
10 2 1.12% deanna morse
11 2 1.12% drunk
12 2 1.12% fever cowbell mp3
13 2 1.12% free love
14 2 1.12% full metal jacket
15 2 1.12% hairstyle
16 2 1.12% ice luge
17 2 1.12% independence day songs mpeg
18 2 1.12% jack elam cowboys
19 2 1.12% jason roth
20 2 1.12% phish more cowbell mp3

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