Tuesday, September 30, 2003



i saw that magical girl again... we had another great time together
oh yea.. she totally kissed me it was awesome..

Sunday, September 28, 2003



well my sister being 21 is officially fun. i just drank with her while playing simpsons monopoly. getting drunk and building hotels. well they are called monorail stations in the simpsons version but you put the hotel piece on the board when you build them.

Saturday, September 27, 2003


The IM version of "Dude, Phone's Ringing"

Chrissy: phone
Chrissy: house line
Dan: for me?
Chrissy: yah
Chrissy: god i'm lazy
Chrissy: lol

Friday, September 26, 2003


Why I love Melissa Reeck

Associated Press:
Man Finds Mouse in His Fried Chicken

BALTIMORE (AP) - Baltimore health officials say a patron of a Popeye's restaurant bit into a mouse that had been fried along with the chicken.

this is THE reason why you should be a veggie head/vegan.

actually, i don't see what the guy was complaining about it - it's more dead animal flesh. shut-up and dig in. hypocrite!


Summer is gone

ok. it's a little depressing that summer is now gone.

As a harsh reminder of what this means, here is a photo of my Focus when I came back from Phish tour in February 2003.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


lots of references today

it's always a good idea to spice up the work day with laughter:

The spot I was doing graphics on is called James Bond. It's about a grocery store called Big Y. This week they were selling Black Pearl Olives. There was a change after my first version, so after making the necessary adjustments I called up the editor and in my best Captain Jack Sparrow voice I said
"THE BLACK PEARL IS READY!" to which Bill Allessee responded "ARRRRRRRRR" like a good pirate should.

Then we were ready to lay off, so I needed the master videotape for James Bond. I call up the librarian Noelle Laprise
"Noelle, this is Q. GET ME JAMES BOND"

and we all just busted out laughing and thats why I'm in a great mood today.


An Open Letter to the State of Michigan

Michigan, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been so close to that girlfriend from Canada in the 6th grade.

Your simple geography is very helpful in giving map directions with a hand.
Cleveland will always be the armpit next to you, Michigan.

If only Ohio wasn't so boring to drive through, we might have had some better states to be near, but thats why we love our friend Canada. Leading the world in being just North of the U.S.

But you and I know there are parts of Detroit that lie North of Canada.
Your beautiful lighthouses glitter from the sea and your copper mines give us electricity. Your people shine with culture and love and lack the lame accent the rest of the union has.
And we all know we drink POP and not SODA.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003



wow. i just had a great night out with a wonderful girl. she's so cute!!! she's very tall as well so when we hold hands i have to lift my arm up a little, its kinda funny... lol

we hit up royal oak and i went CD shopping.. FOR WORK.. they will totally pay me back the $120 i spent on music because Chris Wirth needs inspirational music to help him animate all day.

we were gonna see Scarface as it's playing this week in Southfield, but I opted to hit the town instead, it's been far too long since I complained about the prices in the stores in Royal Oak.


woo hoo

today was great! i got a lunch break! that may sound like a normal occurance but i haven't left for lunch since october 2002. we're pretty busy so don't get to leave, they do buy my lunch (well the advertising agencies get billed for it) so in leui of leaving for lunch i get to do things like order sushi, expensive fish meals, veggie burgers, etc and have someone else pay for it.. but it was nice we went to the WAB and i drank beer and had some good conversation to celebrate Greg Gilreath's birthday.

Monday, September 22, 2003


a paying gig



you obviously foot some bills putting this service online, but please don't make all users pay for friendster.
I urge you to look at what blogger.com did when they wanted people to pay. They offered some kick ass features that weren't available to non paying members, while still not changing what people were getting for free.

if i could export friendster mail to my computer easier than copying and pasting that would be one thing worth paying for. you could make it export with profiles and pictures and all. To do that I have to save as pdf from my mac. you could make it interactive later and still up to date.

you've got to integrate this whole 'fake profile' thing into workable possibilities, such as group affiliations or nationality/heritage. yes you may think bad thoughts about having profiles or groups that link otherwise NON linked people too much , it does have its good points. thru a few silly profile names people have come into my life, i've found some amazing people just around the corner and across the globe. this is a direct result of a movie character, local city reference, or a national landmark as a profile. don't even get me started on how many armenians i've met recently. almost a century ago our grandparents watched our culture disappear in a vicious genocide, and yet friendster has helped to bring many of us back together.

looking at the way it affects me locally reminds me almost of what it was like to talk to people on the computer in the late 1980s and early 90s. When 'far away' meant past bike riding distance. i would chat with friends on BBSes only a mile away attending a rival school. we would never have met thru friends of friends. the computer was the only key.

have a secondary profile for people that don't know you as well. if you're not affiliated with someone you can view partial details, such as what they do and a general idea of the county they live in. only friends should see your hometown unless they do a search for it and know your first name. let me look for 'people in farmington that are 26-28. give people the ability to 'hide' from these searches and keep things the way they want.
you should definately cross-link high school or college data. if I could find people i knew for only a few months as I attended CMU in the middle of the mitten that is michigan, i would find that a big plus. friendster is definately getting word of mouth action. you folks are doing a great job. you don't need to charge everyone to afford to keep doing what you're doing.

blogger did it so well that google up and bought it shortly after implementing a voluntary pay for features gimmick. if thats what you're looking for you probably aren't too far off from obtaining that goal.

your friendster
# 1321874
www.VisualNoiz.com - animation - DVFilm - multimedia noiz


oh i feel sick

i ordered a cheese quesadilla for lunch and it came with chicken. i ate it. i haven't eaten chicken since early july. i feel sick. blech.

Thursday, September 18, 2003


I love Michael Moore

Dude, Where's My Country on Amazon.com

Bush topples down like a statue of Saddam

Wednesday, September 17, 2003



i dunno what it is. i think i'm depressed. somethings eating at me lately. If you were to put on paper how much $$ i make and how big my debts are I will be unable to afford to go out and have fun until 2017.

i've been sayin 'i can't spend any money until christmas' but its really true. if i leave the house: i spend money. if i make new friends: they want to go out and spend money.

maybe its a good thing that all my close friends are moving away. I can stay at home and play on my computer and be alone and be happy. (I do have Civilization 3 and playing that makes me feel like I'm still 14 again and everything is gonna be OK.)

I would say I need a vacation but I think the last one costed me about $2000. Between Gas for driving in 10 states, Phish Tickets (I *DID* buy 14 tickets just for one band) not to mention FOOD and LODGING...

I'm really broke lately because I haven't been getting paid for overtime because I was trading overtime for more days off. Oh plus I was supposed to get a raise in MARCH and it's almost OCTOBER.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


i am so cool

"Dan is itching to get camera back. Must appease producer. " - Jason on VisualNoiz.com

Friday, September 12, 2003


It's Friday.

Today at work a client brought in a dog.
Winnie the Poodle.

I am not kidding.

Today the boss is out of town.. in Amsterdam.. for a video conference. Why can't I go to fucking Amsterdam?

The drink cart will be around early today and rumor has it its Jack Daniels and Apple Juice (cider?) mixed together.

It's gonna be a strange day.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003


this is america damnit.

It's a beautiful thing when any American can play a nice game of Monopoly on the computer for less than $3.

Sunday, September 07, 2003


hell yea!

I just met Robert Randolph a few hours after his set at Sprite Mix Tour . He played on stage with OAR and then he wandered the lawn. I told him "great set" and he stopped, turned around, came back to me and shook my hand to say "thanks" and then off he went into the crowd!

Friday, September 05, 2003


sooooo tired...

I am so very sleepy lately. When work is done I just want to be alone. I want to relax. I want to let the music take me somewhere.

I slept at work last night. I worked until almost 2 am and decided to sleep there to get an extra 40 minutes of rest in. I actually got longer because I slept until 9:15 and I normally have to be there by 8:45am.

Lori's new couch in Inferno is incredibly comfy. It was also very expensive. When I told her that I slept in her suite she said "Dan, you can't have sex in here." I was alone. Kinda hard to get laid when you're alone.

On the bright side of all this overtime is that I am almost paid off my 8 days I owe UI. I get 10 paid days off a year (not including holidays, weekends or sick days) Well with Phish tour and Radiohead in Wisconsin and Ohio I went over my days off allowed but they let me trade overtime for more days off. Which means the OT i've been working since July has all been unpaid, it did give me more time off so whats cooler? Yeah.. Phish tour.

I'm not sure if I'm getting more anti-social as I get older or if I just consider myself too busy to hang out. I know I don't open up to people much as all the people that have mattered to me in the past are GONE and whats the use of trying to make friends when everyone leaves in the end? I think I need to change my geographical location to spice up my life. I love my job and my family but I think I need to get away. Definately before I'm 30 I want to spend some real time on another continent.

Monday, September 01, 2003



I am officially done with Netscape Navigator, Communicator, Netscape Anything...

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