Tuesday, July 30, 2002



film ideas come to you in the strangest of places. I only have to look so far as my daily experiences with fedex, or perhaps inspired by my general intake of the world around me.

Monday, July 29, 2002

Wow. I dig on someone that is not even INTO the internet. Like I could say anything I want about her and she'd never even read it.

Saturday, July 27, 2002

I was afraid today and I am wet right now. My eyes hurt from 3 hours of chlorine exposure. I am proud of myself...

I slid down the nice little slide into the pool with no problem. Then someone suggested standing on the top rung of the ladder and swinging with your arms to kind of jump onto the slide and go down with more force.
No problem.

Then Tom and Joe Small both jumped right fucking off the slide from the top going into the pool from 8 feet above.



I couldn't even do it. I somehow got brian to do it by power of suggestion and after he did it he said "that was great."

To which I replied "sorry, I didn't really do it!"

and then he got all mad!!! so I felt bad and I did it. THREE TIMES. I was only scared the first time but damn what a rush. Reminds me of Patrick Ederle's house when we dove off the roof into the pool in 1996. I conquered the fear... I felt so good...

Friday, July 26, 2002


new work in progress

Bad Day - Animation

Gonna record some more audio soon. I have to find a second narrator because we kill the first one. Never killed a narrator before so this is new territory. I'll keep you updated.

Salmon for breakfast. Is this weird? They had this spread for us at work this morning so I tried it. A Bagel w/ salmon. Pretty good.

Reminds me of a month ago when I thought Iw as ordering a salmon dinner when I took Rosanna out. I some how ordered an appetizer so my dinner was a bunch of crackers and some salmon. I was crying.

But today was good. It was yummy. A little weird for me, but yummy.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

I was just pretending that I was playing the most incredible game of bingo in my life.

We are converting data from the old MS Works tape library system to the new Xytech database. We already converted Master numbers 5000 - 5100, plus all the elements that we used to create the masters. I made a sheet of just numbers from 0 to 5000 and went thru it to circle all the numbers we had already converted.

4017.. YES.. (circle it) 5023.. YES (circle it) about 100 tapes later I was getting loopy so I started to pretend it was a bingo game and every number that was called was one I got to circle.

OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... if only bingo were really this easy / fun.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002


i can't walk

both feet are asleep

somebody shoot me please.

Monday, July 22, 2002

Out of space and time.
and the boundaries in my mind. - Vida Blue

Staying in town this weekend was the best idea in the world. Originally I was gonna go to Chicago, then I was gonna go to Grand Rapids. Come Saturday I didn't feel like driving anywhere, and I had an urge to catch Vida Blue here in Detroit.

The show was nothing short of fantastic. Exploratory jazz music always opens up my soul. Plus they played old pop favorites, John Lennon's Jealous Guy, Pink Floyd's Dogs, Steve Millers Fly Like an Eagle.

Sporting members from Phish, Allman Brothers and The Meters, this band has talent. Don't take my word for it, check it out yourself.

Sunday I slept until almost 5pm and then Cheryl got me up and made me come to a pool party. Girls in bikini's shortly after waking up is a good, good thing. On the way to the party I went to Kinko's and printed out two copies of The Next Breath so I could do some more red pen revisions. Another 3 weeks and this script will be in pretty good shape, which is good 'cause if my next audition goes well I will have the main female role cast and shooting can begin. I'm already throwing out ideas on where to have promotional photos taken. I better see what Paulie thinks he wants to do.

Saturday, July 20, 2002

I love this time of day.

The calm before the storm. I know in my mind there is a great thing on the horizon for me. Mentally, spiritually and eveyrthing else. It all falls in to place as I put the wheels in motion. I am about to acheive incredible things. My antipication matches only my passion.

Friday, July 19, 2002

The alcohol cart cometh - I LOVE THIS JOB

B52 is today's drink.. i love kahlua

( i gotta find new employment, they are slave drivers here.)

2 Terrabytes of storage before me. (I'm at work)

Two Fucking Terrabytes.

I remember when all I had was a dual floppy PC. two 320k disks I think..

remember when CDROMs came out and we were like WOW.. 640 MB.. that is unreal its like 100 floppy disks.. now our videogames can have VIDEO... and we all had to upgrade to be able to use them..

and now.. 200 Gigabytes... how many floppies is that?

Thursday, July 18, 2002

Rain is so nice.When it's warm and it's raining, it is my favorite time to be outside.

Lennon said it best in the Beatles' "Rain"

When the rain comes,
they run and hide their heads.
Might as well be dead.
When the rain comes.
When the rain comes.
When the sun shines,
they slip into the shade.
And drink their lemonade,
when the sun shines.
when the sun shines.

I can show you
that when it rains and shines
it's just a state of mind.
I can show you.

I don't mind.
The weathers fine.

Monday, July 15, 2002

gone, gone, gone.. she's gone... ain't nothing gonna bring her back...

Cirque Du Soleil has moved on...

i gotta go meet them in cleveland when they are done with Boston so I can see Rosanna again.. these few weeks went by WAY too fast.

Friday, July 12, 2002

The Day After is too close to what could actually happen then I would really like to see. I guess it's a necessity. Here I've been thinking lately that current world events have given me more fear in general than what other generations would have had to deal with. I caught a Portugeuse version of this film (transferred from a wonderful VHS English version) I am so glad I was not the generation that saw this in middle school or I would seriously be a fucked up individual.


That is the topic we shall discuss. Too bad I'm the only one in this blog so you're just gonna have to listen and you can just forget about giving input or expressing opinions. This is my blog, bitch, so just sit back and scan those pixels with your bloody red eyes and your one handed typing. (eww. get off my website. No wait, I take that back I didn't mean it that way. Help, I'm stuck in a parenthesis!!!!!)

"What the hell was I thinking," I cleverly said as I spun around to meet what would be my destiny on a platter.

"Nurse!" I cleverly screamed as she looked at me with a look of scientific fascination and pure disgust. I winked and thought it might turn into a proverbial phermone laced blunt kind of a night.

Little did I know that I would soon gaze into my fluid soul and find treasures. The image on the water stares at me. I look deep in it's eyes until the wind breaks up the reflection I stare at. I will call my new friend reality. Reality knows that I seek attention. I cannot accept this now but if I stare long enough at the fluid reflection I will realize that I am alone.

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Owwww. I got the confirmation from the copyright office so Donovan's Travels is now officially MY property and no one else can steal it so go ahead and try you mangy muther fuckhas and see who wins in court.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

What is worse... not having a car or having your car be ready for you but you can't go get it yet because you're in southfield and it's in plymouth?


Wednesday, July 03, 2002

angelas202001: mmm, so you find yourself a lady yet
boujould: i have a laptop.. what do i need a woman for?
boujould: plus when you are trying to shoot a film you can't date
boujould: i'm dating a film..
boujould: we're exclusive
boujould: we're in LOVE

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Wow, a new month of blogging...let's drop the clutch and.. oh wait. no car references right now.. mine's in the shop and they called me @ work to say it was ready.. but that asked for steve and not dan but they were like this is blackwell ford, your focus is ready and I said oh you have my focus, my name is dan.. what kinda car? 2000 ZX3.. ok.. thats mine. good. Sweet!
So I call Gordon my friend who works at the service center at the dealership and I say 'can u run me to your work to get my car tonight?' and he says "why?" "Well it's ready man!" and he says "sorry, your car is right in front of me and it's in pieces right now, you're getting a new piston on wednesday

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