Saturday, October 30, 2004


halloween costume

my halloween costume: USA Patriot Act

the following quotes on my backside:

"Section 215 modifies the rules on records searches.
Post-Patriot Act, third-party holders of your
financial, library, travel, video rental,
phone, medical, church, synagogue, and mosque
records can be searched without your knowledge or consent"


"152 communities,
including several major cities and three states,
have now passed resolutions denouncing the Patriot Act as an assault on civil liberties."


Boston, MA

I am officially in Boston. I have eaten chowder at a Cheers bar. I have had guinness with red sox fans.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Emo Defined

It Will Fail vs. Emo -'s guide to Emo Music as told by aging AlternaRockers

Saturday, October 23, 2004


goddamn brain

what the hell is wrong with my goddamn brain?

either my friend that was over last night stole my wallet or i left it somewhere strange.

and i am driving to flint tonight. lansing tomorrow afternoon and kalamazoo tomorrow evening.

good thing i never activated my new bank one visa because it would have been IN my wallet if i did.

so i am leaving the house armed with a concert ticket and a brand new credit card.
i guess that's all i ever really wanted to do anyways.


Free music downloads

Woo hoo. to celebrate the 7000 downloads a month as of late.. I re-designed the multimedia page at

Friday, October 22, 2004


lousy software

i finally get motivated to work on something and the lousy software won't let me open or use any files. like i can make something without using anything or saving it.

computers are dumb.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


somedays theres lola

for the second time in my life i put in the DVD of the film Lola Rennt to listen to the soundtrack as I do another task (this time cleaning, last time I was labelling 2400 videotapes overnight.)

remembering as I listen to the television I cannot see the subtitled film as i hear it in german, a language i do not know.

Monday, October 18, 2004


a day's fate

Well today decides my fate.

If the meeting goes well I may be on the path to debt free living and a place to call my own as well as a daily job function that challenges my creative and technical abilities.

If it doesn't go well.. my fantasy is this: packing up necessities and driving West. I don't make it to the coast right away, I stop along the way and work in a diner or a small pub meeting tons of folks residing in Anytown, USA. I eventually work my way to San Francisco where I've already had 3 months worth of steady freelance gigs offered to me to give me time to decide if I want to stay in that market or move on to the next town. I could live on the road forever and work various film and video gigs if I chose to.

Regardless of what happens this week one thing is for sure. The next phase of my life will bring about new and exciting experiences.

Both scenarios embody facets of the American Dream: a) finding what you love in a career and being able to support yourself b) driving cross country with plastic money.

My frugal side hopes I stay in town and map out a new set of realistic goals for this phase of my life. My wild side hopes the Focus hits 100k miles before New Years and I go back to the freelance film life.

Saturday, October 16, 2004



i am gonna do both. i'll play at work during the day and in the evening help out the bizarros.


week's end

today i must be productive. i'm giving myself until noon to decide, but i will either be helping those theatre bizarre folks prepare the grounds or going into work to learn phat cool shit.

as frustrated as i've been lately within those 4 walls, i am leaning towards going into work. a strange bahavior so soon before the autoshow hellstorm (tm)
we'll be so busy, chances are i'll be sleeping at work at least a few days a week in the months to come. babysitting technology and working with artists. i take too long to do some tasks so it will help me out to get it down.


Very Long Engagment / Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles

Oh my.. the best film i haven't seen yet will be released in the US in November. I love Jean-Pierre Jeunet almost as much as I love the lead actress, my girlfriend, Audrey Tautou

Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles

Watch the two videos. Yes the website is in French, but you can tell the part that says VIDEOS even with a funny looking accent over the E.

I get more blown away by Jeunet with every passing film.

Saturday, October 09, 2004


let's go

no matter how old i am i will still feel the urge to:

follow unknown nature paths
climb things i may not be able to climb down from
go see a live show on a moments notice
spend a 'me day' just sleeping

Thursday, October 07, 2004


My Town

A simulated-color satellite image of Detroit taken on NASA's Landsat 7 satellite.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004



I used to make fun of these people:

Now I'm calling 1-888-WE-JOUST to see if there's vegetarian options on the menu just so I can make one girl smile.

It's good to be the king!

Sunday, October 03, 2004


before ya go

in the tradition of "hey mom i'm leaving town on the road for a bit. If i die, give this CDROM to Jason Roth to finish all my movie ideas. thanks. love ya"

i am about to give a good
"i'm off to the vote for change concert, if the patriot act doesn't put me behind bars tonight i'll see ya later"


oldschool venues

3 bars into this DVD of a Grateful Dead concert and I already know it's one of the best shows of my life. I wasn't there. I was 2 on that particular New Years Eve. The MC proclaimed the night would usher in 1981, but the date was only 12/31/1978.

How is it that some of my favorite venues are such that I may never physically be within.

Winterland closed that morning of 1979. Just like the Grande Ballroom of Detroit, I would forever hear the tales of ultimate experiences. But I shall never obtain a ticket attend it.

Call me sentimental, but damn, if I knew how to travel through time I would spend my moments thru time visiting the best culture ever had to offer. Imagine seeing classical music played live in Greece as you get drunk from a goblet. Imagine seeing IMAGINE.. live on John Lennon's acoustic guitar in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Imagine watching Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young play in front of a live audience for the first time on a farm during a 3 day cosmic event known as Woodstock. Imagine the sight of a guitar on fire owned by Jimi Hendrix. Vivaldi conducting in Venice.

I certainly wouldn't miss any important slice of humanity as a time traveler.

But I'm not a time traveler, so I have to work with percentages and figure if I see as much there is to this world, the more likely I can better my average in attending beautiful experience.

"Well, I ain't always right but I've never been wrong.
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song.
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
- Jerry Garcia & Robert Hunter
Scarlet Begonias

No actual Ecstacy was harmed in the making of this post.

Saturday, October 02, 2004


go away jason!

well jason showed up at my door but my mom didn't recognize him until minutes later. she said 'we're not interested' and slammed the door in his face thinking he was a solicitor.

the barking dogs woke me up and wandered upstairs... played with the dogs and then said 'hey mom, jason is coming over'

she sheepishly comes over to me...

"i think he already did... i sent him away.."

"you what?"

" I thought he was a solicitor"


"he didn't say anything to stop me from shutting the door"

a few minutes later the cell rings.. i answer "jason, *I'm* interested in you.. sorry come right back"

"i thought you mom suddenly hated me or something."


a productive weekend?

Jason is coming out tomorrow morning.. we should be getting some work done either on or compositing animation scenes for too dead to die... so i am very excited for that

i left work in the afternoon today after pulling an all nighter. i didn't go to sleep right away, i watched 2 episodes of Quantum Leap which i recently got on DVD. It was my favorite show when I was younger... I must have been 12 when it was first broadcast. I'm excited because they are also releasing the tv show Dream On on DVD and I always loved that one too.. that dude ALWAYS got laid LOL

I've been in a creative spirit lately. i think i'm about to be a lot more upbeat which is good because its about to be the SHITTIEST 4 months of the year at work and if I go into it upbeat it won't kill me.

Now if only i could make myself go to the gym I'd feel really good about myself.. but i'll take little steps.. I still go out with the dog she's the best running partner in the world. if you slow down she looks back like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING.. WE'RE OUTSIDE.. LET'S RUN FOREVER!!" little kids actually laugh at me.. a big furry guy running with a little tinny yorkshire terrior that looks like a tiny little muppet.

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